Once your page is public, you will want to promote it on your website, via email, direct mail, and social media.

1.  Login to Big River.

2.  Locate your page and hover over it and hit "edit".

3.  In the left menu, select "Sharing"

The "Tiny URL" is a link to your page.  Send it out via email and use it in social media posts.

QR codes can be read by a smartphone with a QR reader app installed.  Here's how you can use them:

1.  You can right-click on one of the QR codes, select "save image as..."  name it and save it to your desktop.

2.  Now, you can print the image and add it to signage at your front desk.  Or you might add it to a direct mail piece.

To add a button to your website that links to your page, just embed this code in your website where you want the button to appear:  

<button onclick="location.href = 'INSERT THE URL FOR YOUR PAGE HERE';" >Donate Now</button

Example:  <button onclick="location.href = 'https://production.gobigriver.com/CampaignForm/StColman/Trip+Raffle+2015';" >Donate Now</button