To continue your setup you will need to "Tell Us More About Your Organization."  In the correct fields enter your organization's name, address, phone number, tax ID number, and website. You can also upload  an image that will be used on your catalog pages - a logo, banner or similar image works best.

!! The image that you upload should be a jpg or png file. 

You will also need to add an email address from which receipts for DonorPoint purchases will be sent. It can be whatever you want it to be, but it should be something generic such as [email protected] or [email protected] and not the name of a person. Copies of all transactions will be sent to this email address. Contact your IT tech support person to assist you with the setup of this email at your organization. 

!! You will receive an email from DonorPoint asking you to authorize this email address. Please click the link in that email when you receive it. 

!! You will also receive an email of additional DNS and SPF setup instructions that you will need to share with your IT tech support person. These settings will make it possible for DonorPoint to send email receipts and other communication using the email address that you set up. 

You can leave the setup and return at any time but these steps must be completed for you to use your DonorPoint account. 

!! To log back in click on the link you received in your activation email and enter your username and password at the login screen. You will be returned to the screen where you left off. 

When your email and other settings have been set up correctly you will see a notification in the status bar when you try to create or send an email that this functionality is enabled.

last updated 5/18/2021