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After you have signed up for a DonorPoint account or been added as a user to an existing account you will receive an email containing an activation link. Once you click on that link you will be able to log in to DonorPoint. If you are being added as a user to an existing account you will also receive a temporary password in your email. When you log in you will be prompted to set your desired password. 

! Passwords in DonorPoint must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one uppercase character, one lower-case character, and a number or symbol.

! Logins time out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

Forgot your password?

If you forgot your password you can click on “Forgot Password” above the “Password” field to request a new one. Input the email address that you use with DonorPoint to receive a temporary password that will enable you to log in. Once you have logged in you will be prompted to set your desired password.

! Your new password cannot match your previous four passwords.

! You have five chances to log in to your account. After that time, if you are unable to log in successfully your account will be locked and you will require help desk support to access your account.

Locked out of your account?

If you are locked out of your account contact support at help@gobigriver.com. Be sure to include your username or email address in your email. 

last updated 4/30/2021