The purpose of this article is to help solicit donations to an event that will be free. We've had several people ask about it and will help garner more donations from your constituents.

Here's how to do that:

1. Go to your pricing pack and hit the + sign. You can find that by choosing any event you're looking to edit and then click "Event Package" to find the price you want to add or change:

2. Then choose multiple pricing options in your dropdown menu. I would encourage you to label this and add a prompt text if you wish at this time:

3. Now click the "Add Price Level" button which will open up your ability to add two price levels (or as many as you'd like to add). Name it and then hit the + to add the level you want:

4. Now Create a Free Price. Make sure to change to the type to something like Free Registration without a Donation? Or something you like:

5. Start at step 3 again. Follow step 4. Then create a variable price with a label like "Register for the event w/ a Donation" and hit create:

6. Last thing to do is hit create and then save your changes to the pricing for this event. Then preview the changes by hitting View Item at the bottom of the page: