*Make sure to check the 'Create User Accounts' box.* When sending a kickoff email! This generates the temporary password. You will not need to check that box for reminder emails. 



Segment 1 will be company name employees year I.e. Cleveland Clinic Employees 2018 

Segment 2 will be company name year pledgers I.e. Cleveland Clinic 2018 Pledgers 

Segment 3 will be company name year Opt-Outs I.e. Cleveland Clinic 2018 Opt-Outs 

Segment 4 will ONLY BE USED IF AW EMPS. I.e. Cleveland Clinic 2018 Areawide 


Click on emails on the left navigation pane 

Click "New Email Distribution" 

Name the email for what it's purpose is I.e. Company 2018 Kickoff email. Update the Company to the correct company. Add description of what the email is. 

Create Email Distribution Basics Name Cohen 2018 Cleveland Kickoff Email Company Cohen & Company Description Kickoff email for Cleveland employees at Cohen. required fields Create x Cancel


After clicking "Create" button, you are taken to the Basics tab. From the "Tasks" menu, select schedule email to select the date and time you would like to send the email. The date selected will populate the grayed out Date Started/Scheduled field. 

Description Cleveland 2018 Campaign kickoff email Date Sta rted/Sched uled 08/24/2018 0800 AM Status Scheduled Disable Unsubscribe Enable Web View Archived Date Completed * required fields Previous Email Distribution Duplicate Email Distribution Save and Exit Cancel Tasks


Click on the Community tab and then click on Edit for the campaign you want to send an email to. 

Navigate to the "Email Templates" section, select "Organizational Communications. Here you will find the templates for the Kickoff email(Invite Employees), Reminder email(Remind Employees). Update these templates to replace the placeholders I.e. (name of company). 

Edit Cohen & Company 2018 Overview Basics Engagement Splash Page Checkout Page Confirmation Page Email Templates SEO/SociaI Settings Integration Sharing Fundraisers Transactions Payment Options (O) Promotion Codes (O) Confirmation Email (O) Pepo rts Email Header Inherit from Account Automatic Commun ications Receipt Email Organizational Commun ications Invite Employees Email Employees Email Thank Employees Email Invite ECMs Email Community Donor Invitation Email Email sent from the organization to potential donors asking them for a financial contribution. Su bject* Cohen & Company IJnites! Default Message Format Dear #{contact.firstName}, Size @ Source Today, we kickstart the Cohen & Company 2018-19 United Way campaign. Please consider supporting our community by donating to your local United Way. To access our giving website please use the login information below: ACTIVATE ACCOUNT The {FIXED} tag contains the LIRL ta the form and ather necessary information. It will be automatically added ta the end of your message if it is not in your message.


Make sure to update the Username and Temporary Password with the correct merge fields 

Automatic Commun ications Receipt Email Organizational Commun ications Invite Employees Email Employees Email Thank Employees Email Invite ECMs Email Community Donor Invitation Email Email sent from the organization to potential donors asking them for a financial contribution. Su bject* Cohen & Company IJnites! Default Message Format Username: email} Temporary password: Size @ Source With your generosity, United Way of Greater Cleveland can continue to improve the lives and help shape the future of our community. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerelv. The {FIXED} tag contains the LIRL ta the form and ather necessary information. It will be automatically added ta the end of your message if it is not in your message.

Navigate to the Overview tab where you will see options to Invite or Remind Employees. 

Overview Basics Engagement Splash Page Checkout Page Confirmation Page Email Templates SEO/SociaI Settings Integration Sharing Fundraisers Transactions Payment Options (O) Promotion Codes (O) Confirmation Email (O) Pepo rts Edit Cohen & Company 2018 $2,375.00 8 days, 10 hours, 36 minutes remaining 7 Employees out of 5 invited OverlOOO/0 response Invite Employees Duplicate Fundraiser Remind Employees Save and Exit Cancel Fundraising Goal: Show your appreciation! Thank All Employees Preview

Start by selecting who the email will come from.  The drop down will default to the default settings for the Company.   

Big River A Hame Catalog Events Community • Contacts C Recurring 9 Segments Auto responders Exports Settings social Accounts user Help x Hi, The Admin Invite Who do you want the email to come from? default MAI - from: MAI Capital Management<engagement@unitedwaycleveland.org> bcc: Overview Basics Engagement Splash Page Checkout Page Confirmation P TeamCampaign Email Template SEO/Social Setting Integration Sharing Fundraisers Transactions From Name MAI Capital Management From Address* engagement@unitedwaycleveland.org 31 Employees out of2 invited OverlOOO/6 response g Coal: Next: Select Recipients Show your appreciation! Thank All Employees Payment Options (O) Promotion Codes (O) Invite Employees Confirmation Email (O) Invited Donors List (1) Invited Participants List Remind Employees

You can use one the these settings, or select one and then change the From name.  Any changes will only be applied to the current email. 

Big River A Hame Catalog Events Community • Contacts C Recurring 9 Segments Auto responders Exports Settings social Accounts user Help x Hi, The Admin Invite Who do you want the email to come from? default MAI - from: MAI Capital Management<engagement@unitedwaycleveland.org> bcc: Overview Basics Engagement Splash Page Checkout Page Confirmation P TeamCampaign Email Template SEO/Social Setting Integration Sharing Fundraisers Transactions From Name Rick auonocore From Address* engagement@unitedwaycleveland.org 31 Employees out of2 invited OverlOOO/6 response g Coal: Next: Select Recipients Show your appreciation! Thank All Employees Payment Options (O) Promotion Codes (O) Invite Employees Confirmation Email (O) Invited Donors List (1) Invited Participants List Remind Employees

Next select whether you want to send a kickoff (invite) email or a reminder email. Choose how you would like select email recipients: Manually Enter Contacts, Import Contacts From File, or Use Contacts In A Group 

Invite How do you want to specify recipients? Manually Enter Contacts Input Email Addresses x Import Contacts From File IJse Contacts In A Group Input contact emails, separated by a semicolon Remember Big River will automatically de-du* end exclude anyone wha has opted out of emails Next: Edit Message

Invite How do you want to specify recipients? Manually Enter Contacts Add... x Import Contacts From File Use Contacts In A Group Must be an Excel file, not CSV or TXT Remember Big River will automatically de-dupe end exclude anyone wha has opted out of emails Uploaded Email Addresses Next: Edit Message

Invite How do you want to specify recipients? Manually Enter Contacts Include Croups Please select a value Exclude Groups Please select a value Import Contacts From File x Use Contacts In A Group O Croup Email Addresses Remember Big River will automatically de-dupe and exclude anyone who has opted out of emails. Next: Edit Message

For Contacts In A Group – You can filter by segments. You can send an email to Cohen Employees 2018 to send to all. Since Cohen is an AW campaign, you can send to Cohen Employees 2018 and exclude the Cohen 2018 Area wide to send to just the Cleveland employees. OR Include Cohen 2018 Area wide to send to just the area wide employees. 

When you click "Next: Edit Message" you will see the content from the email template that you updated earlier. 

Big River A Hame Catalog Events Community • Contacts C Recurring 9 Segments Auto responders Exports Settings social Accounts user Overview Basics Engagement Splash Page Checkout Pag Confirmation TeamCampaig Email Templat SEO/sociaI se Integration Sharing Fundraisers Transactions Payment Opti Promotion Confirmation Invited Donors Invited Partici Invite Email Definition Copy of Copy of Donor Invitation Email Subject* MAI Capital Unites! Message Dear *Contact. firstName}, Annually, the employees of MAI Capital Management nave demonstrated an unwavering commitment and generosity in addressing our communities' most pressing needs. Dollars donated to the united Way of Greater Cleveland directly improve the lives ot those in need by expanding access to education, financial empowerment, and affordable health care. In 2017, we collectively raised $57 ,520 in employee contributions Help x ng Coal: Hi, The Admin tor the The t united Way of Greater Cleveland, reaffirming our commitment to philanthropy and to MAI Capital's —g Inntäins the I—IAL to the hym and other- information It will be add4± to the end of your mæEage if it is not in Back: Select Recipients D Create User Accounts Next: Specify When

You can select a different message, for example an Area-Wide message if you are sending to a segment outside of the region.  You can also make changes to the email, and any changes will only be applied to the current batch. 

Always click the "Create User Accounts" button before sending the kickoff email. You will not need to click that button for a reminder email. 

Next you specify when to send the emails, now or at a specific time.  Also note the confirmation info at the top of the sending screen, for you to verify you've got it right. 

Big River A Hame Catalog Events Community • Contacts C Recurring 9 Segments Auto responders Exports Settings social Accounts user Overview Basics Engagement Splash Page Checkout Page Confirmation P TeamCampaign Email Template SEO/sociaI setti Integration Sharing Fundraisers Transactions Invite From: Pick Buonocore To: 1 Email Addresses / Contacts Subject: MAI Capital Unites! Message (summary): Dear Annually, the employees of MAI Capital Management have demonstrated an unwavering commitment and generosity in addressing our communities' most pressing needs. Dollars donated to the United Way of Greater Cleveland directly improve the lives of those in need by expanding access to education, financial empowerment, and affordable health care. In 2017, we collectively raised 57,520 in emolovee contributions for the United Wav of Greater Cleveland, reaffirmina our commitment Help x g Coal: Hi, The Admin Send Now Send at Back: Select Recipients OverlOOO/6 response Schedule Payment Options (O) Promotion Codes (O) Invite Employees Confirmation Email (O) Invited Donors List (1) Invited Participants List Remind Employees